Anti-Bullying student Ambassadors

06 Mar 2023

This term, the student ambassadors for the Anti-Bullying campaign have dedicated their efforts towards generating novel approaches to raise awareness on the prevention of bullying and its potential impact on students' mental health. The work put forth by these student ambassadors over the past year has been nothing short of exceptional. To further promote their initiatives, they have produced a promotional video as a team to highlight Barking Abbey's best practices.

The student ambassadors are committed to supporting their peers during their break and lunch periods, even if it is not perceived as the "in" thing to do. Nonetheless, they remain steadfast and confident in their role as "Upstanders" within the school community, exemplifying a positive influence on others.

Recently, the completed promotional video was presented by the student ambassadors to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Despite their nerves, the student ambassadors demonstrated great composure and confidence in their belief in the importance of their role as part of the wider Junior Leadership Team community. Their presentation was met with resounding applause and a sense of relief, as their tireless efforts to prevent bullying in the school were recognized.

It is worth noting that the Anti-Bullying student ambassadors were trained through The Diana Trust Award program, sponsored by the Department of Education.